Robust Playlist

Simulates playlist population from time to time.

What happens

Every 5seconds a new mediaElement gets added into the playlist.
Generally those gets added through events (ex: user clicks and adds a track)

You can notice the currentTrack property changing when a track gets added in front of the playlist.
It goes from currentTrack: 1 to currentTrack: 2 without interrupting playback, thus making the information always consistent.

Simple Play
currentTrack: [[ mediaPlayer.currentTrack ]]
: [[ mediaPlayer.formatTime ]]
volume: [[ mediaPlayer.volume * 100 | number:0 ]]%
[[ mediaPlayer.formatTime ]]/[[ mediaPlayer.formatDuration ]]

player status in realtime

    mediaPlayer = {
      playing: [[ mediaPlayer.playing ]]
      currentTrack: [[ mediaPlayer.currentTrack ]]
      tracks: [[ mediaPlayer.tracks ]]
      volume: [[ mediaPlayer.volume ]]
      formatDuration: [[ mediaPlayer.formatDuration ]]
      duration: [[ mediaPlayer.duration ]]
      currentTime: [[ mediaPlayer.currentTime ]]
      formatTime: [[ mediaPlayer.formatTime ]]
      loadPercent: [[ mediaPlayer.loadPercent ]]

Keep track of changes to $scope.audioPlaylist in realtime

  audioPlaylist: [[ audioPlaylist | json ]]

Code can inspect aswell! angular.module('docs') .controller('ProgressiveController', function ($scope, $timeout) { $scope.audioPlaylist = []; $scope.audioPlaylist.push({ src: '', type: 'audio/ogg' }); $timeout(function () { $scope.audioPlaylist.unshift({ src: '', type: 'audio/ogg' }); }, 5500); $timeout(function () { $scope.audioPlaylist.push({ src: '', type: 'audio/ogg' }); }, 9500); });